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Walking the Path of Knowledge

Daniel Simpson's invitation to a year-long immersion in yoga history, philosophy and practice.
Valmiki’s hermitage, from an illustrated Ramayana (British Library).

Resonant World now has more than 1,300 subscribers around the world, of whom almost 50 are paying supporters. Paid subscribers automatically become members of the Resonance Council, a space dedicated to deeper exploration, where I share in more depth about my own process, in writing and via audio, and invite resonance in return. Any form of support — liking; commenting; sharing, or subscribing — helps this work reach more people, and serve the global movement to integrate individual, inter-generational and collective trauma.

Resonant World #94

I’ve had many conversations with Daniel over the 26 years we’ve been friends, but this one had a special significance.

Though I’ve witnessed each stage in his metamorphosis from fellow journalist into teacher of yoga philosophy, I’d never taken the opportunity to sit down and hear — in Daniel’s own words — what he’s offering to the world.

Listening to our recording, made a couple of weeks ago, I was struck by the extent to which he now embodies the principles of yoga that he teaches. I also delighted in the artistry with which he wove together a tapestry spanning his encyclopaedic historical knowledge; his sensitivity to the priorities of modern practitioners; and the profound ways in which yoga has transformed his life.

The occasion for our discussion was also significant. After teaching a post-graduate course at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, Daniel has just opened the doors to register for the Path of Knowledge, the first year-long immersion in yoga history and philosophy he’s offering through his platform, The Truth of Yoga. (Find out more about the course, which starts in September, here).

Building on many shorter online courses, this longer programme feels to me like an important evolution in Daniel’s own development as a teacher, where the longer time horizon opens a space for both deeper exploration of the subject matter, and a more profound transmission of the essence of ancient texts and traditions, expertly summarised in his globally popular book, The Truth of Yoga.

Daniel Simpson. Credit: Richard Coldman.

I also love the idea of the self-chosen project that participants get to create — anything from a conventional essay, to a yoga workshop, art installation or something else with a yogic flavour. Frankly, it sounds a lot more fun than studying the topic at university, and — as I can’t help but notice — Daniel’s course is a fraction of the cost.

I hesitate to try to summarise our discussion, since there’s no substitute for experiencing Daniel’s combination of fluency, authenticity, wisdom and warmth via the recording above. Nevertheless, here’s some of the points we explored:

  • Daniel’s surprising journey into teaching.

  • How the course explores the interplay between traditional views of yoga from ancient texts and Indian tradition, academic discourse, and modern practice.

  • Some of what people assume is very ancient in yoga actually isn’t.

  • Sliding a magnifying glass over modern yoga to see what comes from where.

  • Discerning roots of yoga, from what’s been superimposed by the West.

  • Course offers both inquiry into the nature of reality, and ourselves.

  • Helping modern practitioners gain clearer ideas around “authenticity.”

  • Creating a global community through the course, and end-of-year projects.

  • Yogic perspective on the roots of suffering, and what to do about it.

  • How yoga helped Daniel to lessen his own self-inflicted suffering.

  • How yoga can lead a more service-oriented approach to life.

  • Yoga offers us a chance to look death in the face, and not be afraid.

You can follow Daniel at his Ancient Futures newsletter here:

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The Resonant Man: Summer Dialogues

Jacob Kishere and I will be hosting the second in a series of three men’s circles in our new Resonant Man Initiative on Sunday, July 14. (For more details of the men’s circles, and a mixed circle to follow on August 4, click here).

Sessions will include a space-opening meditation, and a combination of big group and small group dialogue around various themes.

The Zoom sessions start at 7pm BST (11am PST / 2pm EST) and last 90 minutes.

Sunday, July 14: Speaking from our Deepest Listening


Resonant World
Resonant World Podcast
Building a media system to heal our collective trauma.
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Daniel Simpson