“And I’m surrendering to the unknown. And the thing I can do is follow what I call the ‘sparks of Eros’ to deeply follow where I am pulled, where I feel that I get animated, elevated, excited, energised, curious — that there is an attraction that pulls me.” — Pamela von Sabljar.
Resonant World #131
As gangsters take over the United States, and the old order crumbles, I see Resonant World as a place where we can confront harsh global realities together, while nurturing seeds of connection, inspiration, wisdom, and joy.
I can think of few better candidates to channel those qualities than the Swedish facilitator, speaker and mentor Pamela von Sabljar, who I first met in 2018, and then reconnected with late last year when she appeared at The Future of Consciousness seminar run by
and .The timing of our conversation was also fortuitous, since Pamela is launching a new eight-week practice cycle called Sensing Meaning from Eros on Tuesday — an opportunity to experience her visionary work first-hand.
‘Sparks of Eros’
I knew from past experience that being in dialogue with Pamela would light me up — but I hadn’t anticipated the new perspectives I’d gain on global crisis as a catalyst for the evolution of human consciousness.
I also learned about Pamela’s journey to integrate the concept of “Eros” — the universal creative force underlying sexuality, our creative flow, and the power that births galaxies — into her work, and heard about the dilemmas this has at times posed.
A big part of Pamela’s focus is establishing fields of shared awareness that allow groups to connect with a felt-sense of Eros — so individuals can access streams of inspiration and insight that we might not be able to reach on our own.
“It seems that there are deeper rivers of creativity that can come in when we as a collective start to cohere,” Pamela said. “It’s like magic. Something seems to become possible when this starts to happen.”
This aligns with my experience during years of training in group processes to integrate individual, inter-generational and collective trauma with Thomas Hübl and team — where establishing “coherence” is a foundational practice.
Coherence is also core to the work
and I offer in men’s initiative we launched in November, where our practice of “sensing into the field” and developing intuition seem to align closely with Pamela’s approach.I also loved Pamela’s explanation of how we can follow the “sparks of Eros” in our daily lives — a kind of energetic breadcrumb trail showing us how to become a “radical expression of ourself.” This mechanism is always available — regardless of how bleak external circumstances may appear.
“I just know what future I would like that I nourish in my heart, and I devote my time and life force and energy and resources into building that every day,” Pamela said. “The thing I can do is follow what I call the ‘sparks of Eros’ — to deeply follow where I am pulled, where I feel that I get animated, elevated, excited, energized, curious — that there is an attraction that pulls me.”
I hope you’ll also find some sparks of Eros in our conversation — and I invite everyone to explore Pamela’s work to midwife the emergence of the new ways of being and relating that many of us, I suspect, can sense are now ripe to be born.
I’d love to hear about any resonance you may have experienced in the comments.
Thank you for listening.
This episode aims to:
Serve as a resource for anyone despairing over the geopolitical turmoil
Explore how global crisis may be accelerating the development of human consciousness
Share Pamela’s concept of Eros and how it can help us become a “radical expression of ourself”
Ideas that struck me:
Pamela’s capacity to hold both deep dread over the implications of the metacrisis — and her level of excitement over the futures that may yet be possible
Exploration of childbirth as a metaphor for what’s happening in collective consciousness
How evolution speaks to us “through our deepest longings”
The need to unblock our sexual energy to truly own our voice in the world
Questions I was left with:
What would it mean to become a “radical expression of myself”?
Could I ever trust the trail left by “sparks of Eros” as surely as I trust the force of gravity?
How can I cultivate the spaciousness to open myself fully to my experience in the present moment — no matter whether my mind labels it “good” or “bad”?
How can we network with more people who share our excitement about the capacity for coherent groups to unlock higher levels of creativity and insight?
What will it take for this kind of work to reach a cultural tipping point?
In my enthusiasm, what am I not seeing?
Related Resources
About Pamela von Sabljar
Pamela von Sabljar is a new breed of speaker, facilitator, and mentor working at the evolutionary edge. She practices dialoguing, sensing, creating, and leading from this ever-emergent edge. She calls this Living from Eros.
03:32 — Pamela describes fears for the future, including for her grand-children
06:24 — Discernment, sovereignty in the face of triggers; hosting complexity
07:28 — Building towards a life-affirming future
09:14 — Following ‘sparks of Eros’; evolution speaks through ‘deepest longings’
15:01 — Childbirth as metaphor for collective process of letting go
17:57 — Our proximity to moment of civilizational rupture
21:30 — Investing in the future in the spirit of the early cathedral builders
22:07 — Sensing Meaning from Eros as intersubjective dialogue practice
24:37 — Evolutionary impulse to “re-embed” into share consciousness
27:07 — Group coherence helps access deeper river of creativity
33:09 — Spiral nature of consciousness development
34:42 — Becoming a ‘radical expression of yourself’
39:08 — Dilemmas posed by various connotations of term Eros
41:01 — We need to own our sexuality to own our full voice in the world
47:08 — Hero’s journey vs Heroine’s journey
51:00 — Tantra, Neo-Tantra, and awakening into ‘magnetism’
54:27 — Men, women, polarity and Eros
57:04 — Eros in the workplace
01:04:11 — Deepest longings show us how to be ‘radically alive’
01:08:07 — Learning to trust our deepest knowing
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