I was struck by many of these quotes as well, but Zonne’s landed deeply when I heard her say it, in that I saw how the youth have become parentified, like a small child who begins coping by taking on responsibility way beyond there years because the parents are incapacitated with their own inner child wounding, that they can’t show up as parents and take care of the child and allowing the child to be at the age and stage that it is in its development.

I can understand that feeling of straddling two worlds. I felt a two different world-ness between the talks with the climate activists and the other talks. But I did notice as you say that most activists saw contemplation, grounding in community, some meditation and the need for healing important in their work. I’ve been deeply steeped in the healing side of the equation and I guess I haven’t heard activists speak before and I didn’t realize healing at the root wasn’t a big part of the process. I left the summit understanding that the Climate, or all crisis, hasn’t been seen as a need for healing, but that now those two rivers are beginning to join together. I’m excited to keep processing and exploring and seeing what’s possible. And thank you for all the work you put into the summit and how your intention to bridge these two worlds is manifesting through this work.

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Tracy, yes I was also very struck by Zonne's statement -- the kind of statement that helps cut through any tendency for my generation to sit back and say "it's okay, the new generation will save us." As you say, these young people have essential become "parentified" by previous generations' failure to address this crisis. And yes, it is exciting to feel "these two rivers" coming together. Thank you so much for all the focus and attention you brought to the summit, it was great to feel your presence in the live calls.

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