Could t agree more, I am one of those messy soul cosmic weirdos who finally realised the solution lay in emotional intelligence amplification. So I curated and tested a little something I named I.HEAL. Over 30+ years later, the Data is definitely in support.


It is high time for the changemakers, light warriors, healers, philosophers, visionaries, etc. to get a handle on their body-mind-spirit algorithms and be the drivers of tomorrows intention instead of being dragged along for the ride. The time is NOW.

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Love this! Can you say more about how I.HEAL works?

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Yes of course, and thank you for your comment. It's an emotional self-regulation soft tool. I help people learn how to regulate their own emotional algorithms using therapeutic practices I developed over a period of 35+ years as a healer and emotional resilience specialist . E-motions are energy in motion and are largely influenced by chemicals produced in the brain -feelings-. The core principal behind what I do is to help individuals break down their emotional triggers and go to signatures. There is a huge difference between mastering e-motion and getting stuck in the addiction of your 'feelings'. With practice, and regular talk therapy, people are able to reverse engineer their own cognitive and behavioural development history, and begin to see the patterns of their own emotional roller coaster. It's tough to explain in too much detail... In a nut shell? I teach e-motional literacy.

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Sounds excellent -- I appreciate the distinction you draw between emotions and feelings, and the addictive quality of the latter.

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huge distinction when practicing emotional self regulation techniques.

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I would be curious to know a little more about what you do? Not sure if it is of any interest, but my family history fostered a unique environment (imo) when it comes to dealing with trauma , emotional intelligence amplification and emotional impulse regulation -it's called I.HEAL for a reason ;o) I am first gen Holocaust kid- my father, grandparents and uncle all survived Auschwitz. On my mothers side, my grandfather survived 2 years in a Japanese prison camp. I guess you could say I was born into it! lol...only not so funny back then....

Forgive me, I am literally 1 day old to this platform. All I know is I read your article and boom! Here we are ;O)

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That is quite a collective trauma history -- thank for evoking your lineage in this space, in this way. It means a lot. There is some more background on my journey and the newsletter here: https://matthewgreenglobal.substack.com/p/first-edition

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Hi Matthew, can we talk? I am brand spanking new to this platform, I am in a whirlwind doing exactly what you launched your Resonant World for. I will search you up on LinkedIn, my name is Michaela btw. Hope to catch you on the flipside!

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Thanks for this piece (I just landed here from the second part of Rebuilding Sisterhood).

I'm really keen (as in really 😄) on finding out more about what Kosha says. I too have spent quite some time in different 'intentional communities' of different sorts throughout my lifetime and she's touching upon something there that I'd love to hear more about: the point in a group process that she reckons touches the edges of collective trauma in 'visionary'/innovative communities, namely the specific features of those edges (indicators) that make them distinguishable from 'regular Life-cycle processes in groups' according to her experience, observation and insights.

Has she written (talked in depth) anything else about it that could be accessed?


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It's a good question! I am not aware of anything, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Next time I speak to Kosha I'll ask her.

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Cool, thank you. Much appreciated. And yeah, if you're not aware of it it may not exist.

Hm, something just crossed my mind, too, so here it goes: a trauma-informed interview to someone who has 30 years of fieldwork experience in intentional communities in 45 countries (?! if I recall correctly, it sounds a lot!) and seems to have spotted some links between forward-looking frameworks/group processes, and her work as a facilitator of the collective healing of foundational collective wounds could constitute a great trauma-informed journalistic... experiment/opportunity/...? (and an interesting and timely manifestation of the upcoming Jupiter-Chiron conjunction on March 12).

Just a thought 😉. Ahí lo dejo 🙂...

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Excellent piece and important themes. Synchronously, I too have been thinking about these topics. I refer to this in my article https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/trauma-at-the-institutional-level as "Institutional Level Trauma" or "Institutional Trauma" - and I include the news media as one of these institutions! What I see is that trauma, and in particular the various trauma survival styles highlighted by Dr Laurence Heller in his book "Healing Developmental Trauma", get "collected" within the different institutions, which become self-selecting of the corresponding survival style, and amplifies them. Those who make it in who do not have the survival trait are quickly hammered into that shape, or are rapidly forced out again.

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Gary, I have read your article -- I found it illuminating and fascinating, and very much described my experience in the news media. I thought this line on institutions was particularly striking: "I see these as having become self-selecting and amplifying of, and hence largely made up of people with, certain trauma survival styles." I have observed this dynamic at work; how quickly people with certain survival styles surround themselves with people with similar templates, which rapidly changes the atmosphere within the whole organisation, and sadly not in a good way. Also agree with this: "What I feel is now needed is the intercedence and negotiation skills of the right hemisphere’s way of attending to be introduced at all the institutional levels. We are all urgently in need of calm, conciliatory, understanding voices, to de-escalate us from the brink of the entrenched societal and cultural warfare we now find ourselves in." I used to joke at my last employer that we needed an "office shaman" -- and you have set out what their primary job would have been!

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So glad you like it and it resonated!

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