Dear Matthew- I have such a deep appreciation for the glimpses into your heart and soul that your writing offers, I'm so happy to have discovered your threads here and also to know we share community within the realms of learning/exploration/digestion and integration/healing that Thomas Hübl is so generously tending.

Thank you for sharing these intimate and essential inquiries... so many of them hit me at a vibrational level and I appreciate your willingness to share them as you live into their answers (as Rilke so beautifully invites us to do). Because I felt such deep resonance with a few, and you invited a space for sharing reflections, I thought I'd weave some threads for the sake of honoring the way energetic resonance finds a way to connect us even if we've never actually met (and actually even reside in different continents/hemispheres etc.). Here I'll reflect them back to you, as I feel the depth your own words hold, followed by my own thread wishing to weave its way in to whatever you've put forth...

- How to write a book that could do for collective trauma what Michael Pollan’s How to Change Your Mind did for psychedelics? - Beautiful- can I be of any support to you in this journey and intention, I have a lot of experience in the particular realms of collective trauma that relates to/connects to (unprocessed) ancestral trauma of slave labor that has established the foundation of and continues to influence/drive/direct our current global economic systems/consumer culture (which are still essentially propped up on the back of modern day slavery) - an issue I have some sort of soul contract with as my vocation has pulled me into the depths of this aspect of our collective human shadow for the last 15 years of my career. Somehow I feel that we have to look directly at the immense collective trauma connected with money if we have any hope for true and radical transition beyond these broken systems toward a more generative, collaborative, and integrated/relational existence with this planet and our own species. If this piece of the collective trauma puzzle feels relevant to you and your work please don't hesitate to reach out and we can share heart/brain space to see if what I've learned over the years could support this intention you hold in a way that the broader human species might be able to relate to...

- How can I leverage my background in corporate media to harness the industry’s reach on behalf of collective healing, including in relation to the climate and ecological crisis?

Beautiful, thank you. I hold a similar question related to my background in corporate social and environmental sustainability...an industry where there is so much opportunity for healing and authentic, mature development, and yet also sooooo much stunted/stagnant/decaying "strategy" because the strategic response is still guided by a trauma response of the humans within the organization, rather than being able to proceed from a grounded, related, integrated and adaptive heart space that has the capacity to feel and digest the collective trauma baked into every major issue these professionals are trying to "solve" in order to make their company more ethical/responsible/sustainable/regenerative. I'm tempted to just start writing more directly about the topic and begin there (since no one is even doing that), but then that can feel so insufficient when looking at the mountain we have to climb. So anyway, perhaps this is just a note to say, thanks for speaking this one out loud so I can speak mine out loud and maybe now I should go write a post on Linkedin about why unprocessed collective trauma hijacks corporate strategy directed at ending child labor, eradicating modern day slavery, stopping deforestation etc...maybe it will change nothing, maybe it will change everything, but what do we actually have to lose from opening the conversation, right?

- How can I find money to support more expansive creative projects, implemented by myself and others, to support the global healing movement?

YES! I hold this inquiry and also have some ideas...would love to share what I've encountered and see how there might be a better way to bring these kinds of resources to this essential work.

- How can an understanding of collective trauma be used to inform the development of non-polarising social movements capable of responding to the climate and ecological emergency, and other crises?

Love this. Yes yes yes. Within this question I sense there is a beautiful invitation for more spaces that have the capacity for conversations that would typically be very polarizing to occur in a manner where people feel safe and there is a larger capacity for co-regulation among the space-holders.

- What cultural forms could be revived, adapted or developed to support collective trauma healing work, in all its many facets?

As I read this what comes to the forefront for me are community rituals related to grief, birth and death. Would love to hear what has risen to the surface for you in this area.

- Is there a way to map, or otherwise visually represent, the global healing movement?

What a beautiful inquiry.

- Is it possible to design some form of mass rollout of “shadow work” for climate activists that could make the climate movement more effective?

If this continues to resonate for you/tap you on the shoulder, please stay in touch on this one as it evolves/takes root...I love what you've planted and actually I've been holding a similar inquiry these last eight years that I've lived here in Southern Chile (where a lot of my own personal shadow "work" has been engaged). I have some ideas related to this, and they include doing this work with horses in nature, particularly with horses that live in herds with as much natural autonomy as possible (but not wild horses, I'm referring to domesticated horses, which seems important as we humans often over-romanticize the idea of wildness that further disconnects us from our natural kin as we co-exist today).

Asi es. What a delight to reflect with you, thanks again for opening the space. I'm happy to connect more directly if you feel the pull. Thanks again for the heartfull way that you share, I can feel it and appreciate it so deeply.

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Greta, thank you so much for your wonderfully rich contribution! It's hugely inspiring and affirming me to hear that these questions had wider resonance. I will message you direct.

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Love the questions you're walking, Matthew. Big ones, thanks for sharing! The overall vibe they gave me was your care for the climate crisis and how we can understand, collectively, the trauma behind our inadequacy to deal with such. How to get others to see the importance of their own unconscious energy wrapped up in this process. I wish you a fruitful journey in your walking :)

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Thanks Jaden! Look forward to catching up soon!

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Wow you are speaking my language here. I have a founder background, previously raised funds for celebrity based projects bt since I got sick I have been thinking a lot about this healingvrse which is why I call this universe online of the sick and healing which is thriving tremendously post covid. There is deinitely a huge opportunity here. All the platforms in the space are not interactove.

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Rebecca, thank you very much for your comment -- you make a very interesting point on how these platforms have proliferated post-COVID-19. I hadn't thought of that, but of course that makes complete sense.

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I mean Facebook, Reddit, #twittermed? That's the best we can come up with? Curable is a good App but it's not interactive. Ok haaaaa I could go on and on

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yes, there definitely seems to be an opportunity to create something new

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Loving the questions, especially this one ❤️

“To what extent should I begin to re-imagine myself as a practitioner — as opposed to a chronicler — of collective healing work?”

Perhaps doing the former will unlock the latter in some of the ways described above? 🙏🏼

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A very good point! thank you.

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Perhaps both?: 'Subject and object are not separate'.

'Knowing by becoming'? We might be entering times of 'knowing by becoming' far beyond the usual 'participatory methods'...? (It seems an anthropologist's statement but it clicks strongly inside today in a way that far exceeds the usual notion of it in a strange way).

-I actually heard the phrase 'knowing by becoming' being quoted by someone last week in a fascinating interview and I asked for the reference but I didn't get a reply. I searched for it but found nothing. However, today, a pretty frantic day on prolific inner spinning, it came to mind again and when I searched for it I got something: someone quotes it as related to Edith Cobb, who wrote her last book in 1977: 'the ecology of imagination in childhood'.

I haven't read the book yet but I've come across some interesting South American project quoting her, too. Hmm 🤔.

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Knowing by becoming sounds good to me!

As it happens, I was just looking up "science" in the Oxford English Dictionary, which notes its derivation from "classical Latin scientia knowledge, knowledge as opposed to belief, understanding, expert knowledge, particular branch of knowledge, learning, erudition < scient- , sciēns , present participle of scīre to know..."

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Ancient futures' sounds pretty good, too, but from what I see they're still to come? 🤔😊

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Thanks! Yes, the forward escape into hyperspace hit a few glitches, but it’s still on the way 🙌🏻

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I felt excitement running through my body while reading all the questions. They really vibrate, alive. You're sure gonna be entertained LOL.

Two things also came to mind as I read through them:

'Redefine coolness [through shared lived experience]; the beauty and vibrancy of all colors'

'Balance masculine drive with femenine receptivity; sometimes there may only be a need to use your masculine drive to protect and unblock the way for your femenine to unfold in her own 'unmanageable' way and timing'.

All the best.

Ps: I personally loved the binding tarot arcana and collective trauma project. Stating an entangling dialogue; powerful display of unconscious forces through symbols

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thank you for these beautiful reflections and resonances! And I feel very encouraged by your support for the Tarot and collective trauma project. I've been walking that very slowly, and noticing more and more potential ways to map the concepts and symbols. A work in progress!

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