I feel you, brother. My father ultimately gave his life for that solidarity that you evoke (dying from gioblastoma 30 years after being sent to Nagasaki days after the bomb dropped). Trump's father was profiting from the war, selling fuel to the Nazi regime. The betrayal of our solidarity in the world cuts so deep, and the idea that half of my fellow Americans have no problem with that is unfathomable at the level of spirit. Your sharing helps me to connect with that generational trauma I still carry. Resolution seems to lie in cultivating a new sense of solidarity, facing a new or similar evil. Which, interestingly enough, Pope Francis (my father's name!) says is what is called for by the climate crisis. So once again, here we see how climate trauma is triggering all these unresolved generational traumas. All we can do is all we can do. Love...

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thank you Zhiwa for bringing your father's service, and for relating all this to the cilmate crisis. I feel inspired when I read your comment about "cultivating a new sense of solidarity, facing a new or similar evil." Thank you again for introducing me to this work.

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Thank you I needed this today. I share that loss, and being an American the profound shame that so many of my fellow citizens are so blind, and all the harm we are inflicting on the world,

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Thank you Kare, I so appreciate your resonance with what I've shared.

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Being able to feel the response to what has been called our in our responses... right niw in our deepest ancestoral layers...

We cannot remain neutral.

The sacredness of Earth community

Is being violated, profaned

Feeling our living connection to the soil our ancestors' bones compose.

We were going to do it together, Matt

Go raibh maith agat


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"feeling our living connection to the soul our ancestors' bones compose." Yes, I am feeling that with you.

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We are the Earth's generation

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Dearest Mathew… thank you for taking the time to share so deeply. I appreciated every word and felt sense of your process. I am a Brazilian-American, living in the United States for the past 26 years. Naming the betrayal you sensed touched something deeply personal in my own process. As I was waking up today, I had this profound sensation that there are some essential elements we can contribute to our current situation: clarity, equanimity and active participation. And being a source of these in our circles of influence. Your deep sharing confirmed the impact of such approach. You are doing the hard work of looking of what is really here, and your sharing is brave and inspiring on a wise and compassionate approach to the crisis. As we continue to look more deeply, I feel we will continually find is the human condition flavored by layers of trauma, layers of resilience, and the incredible grief that comes with the betrayal of life itself. Thank you.

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Silvia, thank you so much for taking the time to share your resonance here, and I am so glad that what I said landed with you. I can only imagine what it must be like for your to be experiencing directly the situation in the U.S. I love what you said about how we can work to embody clarity, equanimity and active participation -- and being a source for these in our circles of influence. So appreciate our connection.

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I wonder what is appropriate action? As a UK resident I imagine there will be mass protests when Trump comes to meet the King! What are your thoughts about this Mathew. Also, as a Buddhist I have to have compassion, even for Musk and Trump as I believe the are traumatised from the past.

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it's a very good question! Speaking for myself, I feel an impulse to connect with people who are engaging with the crisis -- even at the level of witnessing, as well as continuing to engage in collective healing work, which I believe has an impact beyond merely those directly participating. I agree entirely on Trump and Musk carrying deep trauma.

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Thank you, Matthew. I am touched by your process and feel it rippling through the collective field, as another thread that has been witnessed and digested. My heart relaxes and expands each time I witness a piece of healing work, so I can imagine this is also a reflection of the collective heart growing more ground.

I could feel what a deep and needed resource the American’s were to your country and your ancestors during the war and how Ukraine’s deep need for such an alliance would echo that pain from the past. As you spoke about how the resource of the American’s landed in your ancestors nervous systems, I could also feel the loss of having that resource removed. So in hearing and feeling how much it meant, I also felt how much loss is being felt as a result of that relationship ending. It’s easy for me to watch the news and not feel it. In your sharing here…I feel it.

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Tracy, I love your image of "the collective heart growing more ground." This is such a compellling way of thinking about why we do this work. I am so glad that what I shared (which took me to an edge, in terms of what feels "safe" to say) helped you to feel into an aspect of the news at a deeper level. Thank you for all your continued support and interest in Resonant World.

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My pleasure.

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