Mar 7Liked by Matthew Green

PS : also curious to know if you've ever explored the field of journalism in itself, with the "Collective Traumas' Healing" approach ? Like : what are the past traumas still active through the profession ? (war journalism and deaths of colleagues? Political censure in some difficult periods ? Trump's "post-truth erea" catastrophic influence on media ...?)

Are they specific collective shadows which could impact the abilities of journalists themselves to join your vision and offer such a powerful trauma-informed lens?

This is crossing my mind, making the parallel with "care-givers" ( nurses, ....) being themself in such a terrible place of disregulation that any attempt to share the basics knowledge of Polyvagal Informed Care is like "opening Pandor's box" to them !

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Mar 7Liked by Matthew Green

First of all, I would like to expresss all my gratitude to you , Matthews. I've discovered Resonant World one year ago. I've been to much shaken by your article about Cali's journey with our witches ancestors and the "Burning Time" Memories. It has been a deep insight with significant consequences in my life ! Since that, I kept reading you with huge interest, but never dared to comment here.

I'm now part of the "Climat Crisis" Pocket Project's lab. This work about collective traumas is amazing..

From that place, I can offer my testimony : Oh yes ! Definetly .. a "collective trauma's informed journalism" could have such an impact ! By rising awareness, sheding a new light on the darkest places of our world, and making each reader aware of the invisible links he/she may have with such forces, deep inside, it could contribute to heal so much inconscious dissociations !

(=> reading you has already impacted my vision of "classical journalism").

I'm not in the field but I send all my support to that brillant inspiration. Your 5 pillars are already a promissing structure. Could you offer lectures or trainings in journalism's schools to open new generations's eyes on these concepts and practices? With all your experience, your exemples, your deep unique knowledge of the professionnal field, I imagine you as the perfect "bridge".

Looking forwards to reading more and hearing more about that project !

Lara ( from France)

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Mar 6Liked by Matthew Green

Count me in on this. There are so many levels to explore and develop. I sense a new form of journalism coming through that is not only trauma informed but consciously aware of the energetic impact from their stories, and also inside the media organisations. For long, I’ve seen the industry having the potential to heal the collective and rebuild the world rather than ripping it apart like now. (Toxic workplaces play a huge role in the latter). It requires first movers who are willing to work in a whole new way and cocreate conscious media systems.

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Mar 10Liked by Matthew Green

Resonance inspired. More please.

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